Friday, February 29, 2008

Daffodils and snowdrops in Haughton UK

Daffodils and snowdrops, originally uploaded by pegash.

Daffodils and snowdrops, like peas in a pod. Image taken on February 22 in Peter's garden in Haughton, near Stafford UK. Thanks for the cozy photo, Peter.

First Daffodils from Anna's Window

Anna's window 2, originally uploaded by frscspd.

Pretty view captured by photo-artist frscspd on February 22 at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge, England.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

First Daffodils in Peachtree City, Georgia

first daffs feb08, originally uploaded by amaratala.

The daffodils in Europe are in full bloom but some of us are just getting started here in the States. Thanks to amaratala for this cool pic taken on February 25.

Bee and Daffodils in London

Bee and Daffodils, originally uploaded by markhillary.

Bee finds its first daffodil of the season. Very nice photo by Mark Hillary.

First Daffodils at St Peter's, Pebworth, Worcestershire

Not spring quite yet. (Photo taken February 17.)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Spring Lambs at Dinton, Bucks

SPRING LAMB, originally uploaded by norfolkboy1.

Another lamb and daffodils photo!

Lemon Drops in Staffordshire, England

lemon drops, originally uploaded by pouletsue.

Cheers for the macro lens. This photo was taken on February 24 in photographer pouletsue's garden in Staffordshire, England.

Daffodils everywhere! in Surrey UK

Daffodils everywhere!, originally uploaded by bods.

The pleasures of walking to work. Thanks for the image, bods.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Frostbite in Rockville, Maryland

Frostbite, originally uploaded by Clearly Ambiguous.

Scott Robinson has captured these daffodils enjoying the ice in Rockville, Maryland, on February 22, 2008.

Lancashire stroll

Daffodils, originally uploaded by acl John.

This wild photo was taken by John Dalziel out for a "Sunday" stroll on Saturday, February 23, 2008. Beautiful!

On Cymru, the daffodils are purple

tiny trumpets hailing the incoming season, originally uploaded by viacreativa.

This photograph was taken on February 11, 2008, on Wales ("Cymru", if you speak Welsh). "Where I find myself: Cymru, between the mountains and the Irish sea," says this masterful photographer.

Monday, February 25, 2008

In Step with Spring in Berkeley, England

In Step with Spring, originally uploaded by Veracity1.

This photograph is alive with the happiness and anticipation of Spring. The Canada Geese and daffodils could probably do a nice do-si-do along about now.

The photograph was taken on February 13, 2008, in Berkeley, England. Veracity1 has included a map of the location, check it out under Additional Details on the photo's flickr page.

Thanks to Veracity1 for posting this wonderful photo and caption "Canada Geese step out briskly on a frosty and foggy February day but the flowering daffodils show that Spring is not too far away :)" , and we'll watch where we step!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

New Lamb and New Daffodils on Isle of Man

jm080220 (48), originally uploaded by Isle of Man Newspapers.

I'm not sure I have ever seen a cuter photo of daffodils. This image was taken on February 20, 2008. The lamb is a mere five days old. Photographer John Maddrell, Isle of Man Newspapers, you're bringing lots of smiles to faces around the world right about now.

I was curious about the location of the Isle of Man. Here's the Google Map. The island in the middle of the Irish Sea is the Isle of Man.

View Larger Map

Saturday, February 23, 2008

First (brrrrr) Daffodils in Alexandria, Virginia

Daffy down dilly, originally uploaded by 100wordminimum.

Nature gave daffodils the courage to survive such weather.

First Daffodils in Second Life

Adventures of Yoshikawa posts these images from within Second Life after buying her first daffodils of 2008, 3D virtual daffodils purchased from Heart Garden Centre. In Second Life, daffodils are 5 feet tall.

Friday, February 22, 2008

And the flowers bloom like madness in the Spring.....

I love the colors in this sunny composition. Mark Robinson took the image on February 19 in Staple Woods, Somerset UK. He has created a nice little map over at "Additional Information" (halfway down on the right of the page, there is a map link).

First Daffodil in Florence - that's in Alabama!

Dirt Therapy posts the first daffodil from his Florence, Alabama garden on February 10. (I'm sure that daffodils in Florence, Italy have been out for awhile.) Thanks, Phillip!

Amiamo i daffodils ("We love daffodils" in Italian using the Babel translator).

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hampton Court, I'm booking my flight today

Hampton Court, originally uploaded by anthonyfalla.

This photo shows spring is well underway in London, taken at Hampton Court on February 7, 2008. Thanks, Anthony! Expressing what joey mentioned in an earlier comment, there's a bit of unreality to a photo like this when viewed, in my case, from a very cold Boston day with a snowstorm approaching.

Monday Morning

monday morning, originally uploaded by probs.

Frost in London, photographed by London photographer kat on February 18. Shivering daffodils but the photographer hand is steady.

St.James Park Going Yellow

Another beautiful photo of London Daffodils with tall budding trees in the background. Nice! Click through to Neil's flickr photo, and then click to "View on Black". Nice again! Photographed on February 19 by this talented Alderney photographer.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Early Daffodils in Cobham, England

Early Daffodils, originally uploaded by gilesgreenwood.

Photograph taken by Giles Greenwood on February 3. Click through to the photo to see a very cool map posted by Giles.

Atlanta, Georgia has daffodils and honeysuckle

From the home and garden blog posts this sweet-as-honeysuckle photo of new daffodils.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Parlez-vous Daffodils?

Snappy's Garden Blog has two great photos from a recent trip to Paris. The first is outside Notre Dame. You'll "never guess: the location of the second image. Click through to David's blog to find out.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Ouch - London Daffodil in the Frost

Alison Devlin captured this image on February 17, 2008, in Surrey Square, London. Look out! Look out! Jack Frost is about! He's after our daffodils. (With "apologies" to Cecily Pike.)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

They grow them tall in the Netherlands

Daffodils, originally uploaded by hermanschimmel.

This February 15, 2008 photo was taken by Herman Schimmel in Elst, Nederland. Beautiful!

Friday, February 15, 2008

First Daffodils in Sowton Mill, England

Artist and poet Melinda Schwakhofer has posted a dramatic series of images on her blog, Inspiraculum. Click through to see her spectacular series of photographs and words that celebrate "The Time of Wild Daffodils". Melinda's perfectly choreographed post ends with a special surprise, "To an Early Daffodil".

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Yellow ribbons in Jacksonville, North Carolina

Real Estate Mckenzie offers some fresh thoughts as the daffodils begin to show up in eastern North Carolina. Cool fact of the day: The daffodil is the official flower of Jacksonville, North Carolina!

First Daffodils in a pot in North Wales, UK

Daffodils in a pot posted by Richiesoft Garden Blog. Richie, thanks for posting, the high resolution image is breath-taking.

Daffodil inspiration in England

The Magpie Files delights with first daffodils poetry, and the Magpie reader comments delight yet again and again.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Black, white, and yellow in England

1030 February Daffodils, originally uploaded by andy linden.

This magical photo was taken in England (by a London photographer) on February 11, 2008. Photographer Andy Linden has worked in black and white for many years. Now, we can see, he is working in black, white, and yellow.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Daffodils haiku in Seattle

Daffodils as Muse. City Limits posts a haiku and photo of first daffodils on Seattle's Capitol Hill. Click on Hillku to read City's perfect haiku, "False Hope" (we've all been there!).

What the daffodils see in Nashville, Tennessee

The Weekly Screed is posting a daily series of macro images (including the one above on day 2) taken by starting on February 8 and continuing for as long as they last. Click through for commentary and remarkable "daffodils-eye" images (and be sure to click again on each image for the high-res). Don't you just wish they were babies forever?

Saturday, February 09, 2008

These early daffodils have a British accent

Light Reading posts this photo of early daffodils blooming on the grounds of a church in the center of Leeds.

Paris Daffodils - need we say more?

Thanks to Polly-Vous Francais? for posting this enchanting photo of daffodils dancing in the Square Boucicaut. Merci beaucoup!

Visit Paris, or visit the blog for a very cool satellite image of the daffodils' neighborhood in Paris.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Green and golden in North Carolina

Rose Colored Glasses posts a progression of first daffodil photos. If you want a treat, go this page and click on each one to display a high resolution version. Amazing! Thank you, Rhondi.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Northern Coast of California is waking up

jinxmcc posts this quiet photo from the northern coast of California.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Spring awakes in Cheriton UK

Readers have been sending pictures of the first signs of spring to the BBC News. This photo was taken by Mark Thomas out walking near Winchester. The little guys do look like they've just had a nice long nap.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Ulster First Daffodils at the Belfast Botanic Gardens

Reports are coming in that Ulster daffodils are in bloom (January 25 newspaper report).

The Last and the First

Fred Sandsmark's Blog posts a photo of first daffodils in Castro Valley, California - and the last photos of, well, you should click on over to Fred's blog to see what could possibly now be "last".

London's daffodils break "opening" record

Britain's The Independent reports on the many signs that spring is on its way, including early daffodils and tadpoles. London's Kew Gardens reports that their daffodils have beat their existing record by opening on January 16, "a week earlier than 2007, and 11 days earlier than the average for this decade for that type of the flower".

Up With Daffodils in Van Nuys, California

dewelch uploads a photo of First Daffodils in Van Nuys, California.

First Daffodils (sort of) in Portland, Oregon

One Gal's Trash reports about a "lone bucket of daffodils" sitting outside her grocer's door in Portland Oregon (dawn on January 26).

Friday, February 01, 2008

Harbinger in Holland

Odddutch posts this very cool photo of first daffodils along a Holland roadway.

First Daffodils in Lincoln UK

Sue Thompson posts this photo taken January 26, 2008, in Hartholme Nature Park. What's a photo without an appreciative audience? Check out the many comments left by the international fotocommunity.